Our Board

Aaron Brown works for Representative Khanh Pham, who represents the Jade District in the Oregon Legislature, and also as a political consultant and community organizer for numerous housing, climate and transportation initiatives. He once paid $450 a month to live with a roommate in a fourplex in St Paul Minnesota’s Mac-Groveland neighborhood.

Andrea Pastor is a senior project manager at Metro, focusing on transit-oriented development. She also works as a board member of Oregon’s chapter of the American Planning Association, of Historic Parkrose, and as the parent of two kids.

Celestina Teva is a housing planner with the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development. While operating a real estate business, she became the founding secretary of Real Estate Professionals Against Institutional Racism (REPAIR). She also served on the Oregon Housing Alliance policy workgroup for Homeownership & Asset Building.

Heidi Hart is a tenant and software developer. She has volunteered with P:NW since 2020 as well as Hygene4All, a hygiene hub for unhoused neighbors.

Indi Namkoong has been lucky to make policy advocacy and community organizing her day job since 2020, campaigning for environmental justice, clean energy, and safe multimodal transportation as 350PDX’s former coalition manager and in her current role as transportation justice coordinator with Verde.

Jennifer Shuch is an urban planner working for Leland Consulting Group, working with cities on housing and economic development policy. Her wide variety of careers have included working in finance, as a preschool teacher, and as the research and marketing department for a multifamily real estate brokerage.

Kat Mahoney is the executive director for Sisters of the Road, which supports low-income and houseless people with charitable and educational programs. She is a tenant, a lawyer, and in prior lives has been a communications and booking agent for musicians and a project manager in tech.

Laura Fleming is a tenant and a graduate student in regional planning at Portland State University. In past roles as a sustainability consultant for construction projects and intern to an affordable housing developer, she has actively contributed to projects that incorporate green building practices, energy efficiency, and environmentally responsible construction methods.

Matt Tuckerbaum is a project manager in sustainability tech. He studied and spent time working in urban development early in his career, and since then has been using his background to advocate for more sustainable land use and transportation policies in the places he’s lived.


Our Organizers

We’re a member-led organization, so "we” are dozens of folks who’ve signed up, showed up, paid a few bucks and put our shoulders into the work of making Portland a welcoming city for generations to come. When members sign up, they choose at least one work group that interests them: subject-matter work groups like Equitable Zoning and City Politics, or operational work groups like Events and Communications. Nobody is expected to put in time if they don’t have it, but being a member gives you an opportunity to get into the thick of it.

Each work group sends delegates to our Organizing Committee, which meets regularly to set our organization’s policy and priorities. We also talk to each other a lot on Slack, our internal message board for members.

You should join us too! We are nice.