Let’s Make Smaller Housing Varieties more available to all of our neighbors!

Portland’s landmark Residential Infill Project that legalized small multifamily housing in formerly single-family residential zones has an update! These changes are largely in response to remaining HB2001 and SB458 requirements, which would legalize missing middle housing in very low density zones, legalize additional forms of small multifamily such as cottage clusters, and require a path to lot division!

Abundant housing advocates came out strongly at the first hearing for RIP2, and many great amendments have been proposed. We support all of the RIP2 amendments Council will be considering at the May 19 hearing, especially #4, 2, & 3!


Oral Testimony

  • Testimony will take place live from 2-5pm on Thursday, May 19th over Zoom.

  • P:NW volunteers can ping you ~15 minutes before you actually testify - just reach out to P:NW on Twitter, Facebook, or Slack (if you’re a member) after you register and we’ll make sure you’re notified before your time to speak.

  • You can provide around 3 minutes (or less) of testimony as to why these amendments matter to you and your community.

  • City Staff and Commissioners rarely ask questions to those who are testifying - but even if they do and you don’t feel confident, you’re always able to say you aren’t able to answer a question.

  • Not sure what to say? Check out our talking points above!

Written Testimony

  • Written testimony can be as long or as short as you like.

  • Not sure what to say? Check out our talking points below! Or you can simply say “We support all of the proposed amendments, particularly amendments #4, 2, and 3!


We support all of the RIP2 amendments Council will be considering at the May 19 hearing, especially #4, 2, & 3:

#4. (Commissioner Rubio): Added flexibility for Deeper Affordability Bonus - Allow affordable 5-plex & 6-plex townhomes

WE SUPPORT this change to legalize culturally-responsive affordable 5-plex and 6-plex townhomes. 

Amending the lot coverage and open space requirements will allow affordable builders like Habitat and PCRI to build affordable townhomes with front doors, porches, and backyards.

These are the types of homes requested by first-time homeowners, including communities of color who have been displaced from Portland’s North & Northeast.

 This is a small but important step to ensuring Portlanders of all incomes and races can achieve their dreams of homeownership.

An example of a culturally responsive fiveplex.

#2. (Commissioner Ryan): Increase Fourplex FAR - Provide an increase in FAR for four units on a site

WE SUPPORT this change to incentivize the development of more  accessible and family-sized middle housing in our residential neighborhoods.

 This change gives a slight FAR increase over 3-plexes, to encourage 4-plexes. 

Fourplexes must provide homes that meet federal accessibility standards that are essential to meet the needs of Portland’s diverse and aging population.

Increasing fourplex FAR by 0.1 will also make it easier to build units with 2-3 bedrooms to provide homes for more families.

#3. (Commissioner Ryan): Remove Front Lot Line Requirement - Remove a barrier to back-lot homes

WE SUPPORT this small change that will make it easier to put a small owner-occupied home into the backyard of some existing homes. This allows lower-cost homeownership, reduces needless demolition, and helps Portlanders with less capital take advantage of new zoning options.